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사회적 영향 (영문) List
No Category Title Name Registration Date Hit
73 LUPIC (November 20, 2023) The first day of team working of Faculty Development Workshop - Planning Modules and Courses for the BSN program 관리자 2023-11-23 66
72 LUPIC (November 20, 2023) Welcoming Day of our future Nurses - Celebrating the opening of the first BSN program in the Kyrgyz Republic 관리자 2023-11-23 46
71 LUPIC (November 20, 2023) Visiting the Construction Site of the New Building for the Department of Nursing of I. K. Akhunbaev KSMA. 관리자 2023-11-23 274
70 LUPIC (November 19, 2023) Meeting with the Director and Business analysis of the eHealth Center under the Ministry of Health. - Collaboration for National Healthcare Information System 관리자 2023-11-23 119
69 LUPIC (November 18, 2023) Visiting the 'Republican Hospital of Infectious Disease' and Meeting with the Head Physician and Deputy Chief of Nursing 관리자 2023-11-23 217
68 LUPIC November M&E: Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Health affiliated EHealth Center, Educator for Health Information System, and Health Care Provider Meetings (FGI) at FMC 5 and 7 관리자 2023-11-23 87
67 LUPIC Highlights from the October 2023 Faculty Development Workshop! 관리자 2023-10-11 70
66 LUPIC The Kyrgyz Republic's very first Bachelor of Nursing degree program has been started! 관리자 2023-09-21 54
65 LUPIC Meeting with the Headquarter of Sigma Theta Tau International 관리자 2023-08-22 91
64 LUPIC July 2023 Faculty Development Workshop in Abu Dhabi: Building a Research Capacity! 관리자 2023-08-22 73