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5th International Nursing Forum

관리자 2024-05-28 Number of views 253

Hello, this is the BK-LUPIC team.

On May 7, 2024, the 5th International Nursing Forum was held in the conference hall of I.K. Akunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. BK-LUPIC Director, Professor Hyun-Sook Shin of Kyung Hee University, delivered a lecture on "Education and Development of Nurses: The Importance of Continuous Professional Development and Advanced Training to Ensure Quality Care." Additionally, Research Professor Seung-Hyun Yang from Kyung Hee University's NURSphere Lab gave a lecture on "Best Practices for the Introduction of Modern Innovative Technologies in Enhancing the Image of the Nursing Profession."

Click here to watch the 5th International Nursing Forum! ▶ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTSVFpXmT6M


00:00:00 - Congratulatory Speech & Awards Ceremony 00:58:00 - Concert Program 1:23:25 - Report on the Implementation of the Bachelor's Program in Nursing 1:40:00 - Keynote 1. The role of nurses in health care 1:52:50 - Panel Discussion 1. Naimanbaev A.B. 2:01:15 - Panel Discussion 1. Hyunsook Shin, BK-LUPIC Principal Investigator, Professor of Kyung Hee University 2:16:35 - Panel Discussion 1. Azhymambetova G.K. 2:29:10 - Panel Discussion 1. Chubakov T.Ch. 3:34:40 - Student Forum_KSMA 3:41:40 - Student Forum_KHU 4:02:00 - Keynote 2. WHO interventions to support nursing and midwifery development in Kyrgyzstan 4:21:20 - Panel Discussion 2. Baktybaeva S.E. 4:32:00 - Panel Discussion 2. Asanova A.K. 4:39:55 - Panel Discussion 2. Seung Hyeon Yang 4:49:30 - Panel Discussion 2. Brimkulov N.N.


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