안녕하세요 BK-LUPIC팀입니다.
지난 2024년 5월 7일 키르기스 공화국 비슈케크에 위치한 I.K. Akunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy의 컨퍼런스 홀에서 제 5회 International Nursing Forum이 개최되었습니다. BK-LUPIC 단장 경희대학교 신현숙 교수님께서 "Education and development of nurses: the importance of continuous professional development and advanced training to ensure quality care"를 주제로 강연하셨고 경희대학교 NURSphere Lab 소속 양승현 연구 교수님께서 "Best practices for the introduction of modern innovative technologies in enhancing the image of the nursing profession"를 주제로 강연하셨습니다.
제 5회 International Nursing Forum의 현장을 보실 분들은 여기를 클릭해주세요! ▶ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTSVFpXmT6M
00:00:00 - Congratulatory Speech & Awards Ceremony
00:58:00 - Concert Program
1:23:25 - Report on the Implementation of the Bachelor's Program in Nursing
1:40:00 - Keynote 1. The role of nurses in health care
1:52:50 - Panel Discussion 1. Naimanbaev A.B.
2:01:15 - Panel Discussion 1. Hyunsook Shin, BK-LUPIC Principal Investigator, Professor of Kyung Hee University
2:16:35 - Panel Discussion 1. Azhymambetova G.K.
2:29:10 - Panel Discussion 1. Chubakov T.Ch.
3:34:40 - Student Forum_KSMA
3:41:40 - Student Forum_KHU
4:02:00 - Keynote 2. WHO interventions to support nursing and midwifery development in Kyrgyzstan
4:21:20 - Panel Discussion 2. Baktybaeva S.E.
4:32:00 - Panel Discussion 2. Asanova A.K.
4:39:55 - Panel Discussion 2. Seung Hyeon Yang
4:49:30 - Panel Discussion 2. Brimkulov N.N.
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